Thursday, 29 May 2014

Semester Review.

It's not been an easy semester for me. I don't want to get too self pitying but I was going through some very difficult problems in my personal life during this semester. I was working hard at uni and I was having to work hard at home as well which wasn't easy. I do feel like during this year the one thing I've learnt is my limits. I know how much pressure I can take before I snap, and it pleases me to say that it's quite a lot, which I know will be a useful skill heading out into the industry.

It was probably the lowest I've felt over the three years, but it forced me evaluate what it is I love in life, and I've found it's this. Making films and TV shows. Working on Beaulieu has been the most fun I've ever had on a production, and I am incredibly proud of the final project. That's not to say I'm not proud of my other work, but I have to mention Beaulieu especially because we were so sure we had bitten off more than we could chew at points, and we just supported each other on this crazy production.

Through experiences working on the two films I was involved with I've discovered a lot of problems within myself. One major problem I have is with my temper, I can be very quick to snap at people, having lashed out at multiple points throughout the year. Since I've managed to sort out the problems in my personal life I've definitely felt myself being able to keep my temper under control more, and it's definitely something I know I will not be letting come into my future work as it only causes far more problems.

I feel like I've really become a better film maker over this semester. I think because they were our final projects at the university I was really invested in making sure they showed the best example of what I am capable of. With Beaulieu I've really come learn a lot more about story, and how to tell that story visually without having to rely on dialogue to keep the viewer watching. And with Love in Your Pocket I've learnt so much about making a documentary. With both I've learnt about what problems you can encounter and some ways around those problems.

Coming out of the end of it all, I'm going to miss it, but I'm looking forward to trying to become a grown up.

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