Thursday, 29 May 2014

Getting back into it.

In my Semester review post I said that I was tired and felt like I couldn't handle it anymore. I came from that, after taking a well needed rest over the Christmas, with a new attitude. The way I'd seen it, I had been down as low I had ever been and didn't want to hit that again. I wanted to come back and prove that I can do this, and I can make something brilliant and worth watching.

I'd spent a lot of time over the Christmas break thinking about the projects that I'd agreed to be a part of, and whether or not they were something that I actually wanted to be a part of. It wasn't that the two projects didn't interest me, or that I thought they were bad, I just realised that it would showcase what I'm actually interested in pursuing in my career, which is single camera drama and comedy. After speaking to Elliott, I realised that he felt that same way and we decided to branch off and start our own project.

This is how we came up with our film Beaulieu, which was bred from both of us having a desire to create something that really focused on being visually interesting and not relying on characters giving dialogue to carry the story. We were allowed to pitch it to the tutors and they really liked the idea and quickly gave us the green light.

We then had to consider the people we would like to be involved with the project, considering so far it was only the two of us involved. We selected a few classmates we'd be interested in having on board, but they didn't seem interested when we first pitched them the idea so we decided to go it alone. After the project started to pick up some steam we had these people come back to us saying that they had changed their minds and would like to be involved, but we'd already started making great progress with just the two of us and we didn't want to mess it up, so we decided to carry on.

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